Sunday, October 31, 2010

Introducing Monkley

I've been hard at work on handmade Christmas presents over the last few months.  I'm trying to do handmade as much as I can this year and it is making Christmas more meaningful for me.  I really enjoy the time I invest in each gift and I hope it will help quell the consumerism of Christmas in our family. Anyways, here is what or should I say "who" I've just finished working on.

May I introduce to you, Monkley - at least that is what I am anticipating his name to be.  Isaiah has been mildly obsessed with Curious George for some time so when I saw a pattern for a very cute sock monkey in this book (see below) I thought I would make him one for Christmas.  I made his pajamas to match the ones I've made for Isaiah for Christmas Eve.  I hope they become good friends.

The book, Craft Hope, has a lot of really interesting patterns and craft ideas for you own loved ones or for ones you've never met.  It is compiled by Jade Sims but each craft is submitted by a different person.  SouleMama has a pattern for baby hats made from re-purposed t-shirts.  Each craft also has a list of charitable organizations who accept and actively look for these items.  It is a great book full of wonderful ideas so let me know if you want to borrow it!


Diana said...

So cute! I love his little hat. My brother had a faithful sock monkey made of grey and white socks, and this makes me want to make one for Micah man. I'm planning on sewing him a little book of felt with numbers and buttons and flaps etc, should be a fun time. I'd love to borrow the book sometime, it sounds like the same premise as the "Knitting for Peace" book I have. Love you!

Allison said...

Monkley, is very cute, Darcie. I like the Operation Christmas Child book. Where'd you get it?

Keith Dow said...

It is called Craft Hope and I found it at Chapters. Great ideas!

Keith Dow said...
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meredow said...
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meredow said...

What a perfect little friend for Izer! I would love to see pictures of them in their matching PJs on Christmas morning :)
That is such a great book - I'm glad to know there are things like that out there! Your & Keith's comments lately have been reminding/challenging me about how best to celebrate Christ's humble birth while expressing His love to those around us.