Monday, July 18, 2011

Notes from the Garden

I thought I should post a few pictures of our garden.  Don't laugh - I'm actually quite proud of it.  Here are some things I've learned from my first season of vegetable gardening.

1) The herbs are LOVING the direct sunlight they are getting - and are uber convenient being right outside the kitchen door.

2) Don't wait too long to reseed if the seedlings are a no-show.  There is no point in restarting peas in mid-July.

3) Don't wait too long to stake your pole beans if you don't want them to wrap themselves into an enormous mess around whatever plant they can get a strangle-hold on.  Sorry raspberry bushes.

4) Do not wait too long to do the second planting of lettuce.  If you do, your lovely sweet plants will bolt before your new ones are out of the ground.

5) Peppers love big containers.  So far the bugs have done minimal damage. I even spotted a happy jalapino pepper this morning.

6) If you don't have a sandbox, keep a row or two clear for toy car expeditions and random excavations for worms.

7) You can never have too much rhubarb. ever.

Happy Herbs

Cherry Tree 

Hopefully we'll get a pumpkin out of these...

Berry Theif

First Peas

Other peoples' bountiful gardens

Matthew House really is in full bloom - with flowers, fruit and folks.

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