Friday, May 13, 2011

Spring Around Matthew House

Spring is underway here at Matthew House.  The other day Isaiah looked out of our bedroom window and said "Mommy, there's popcorn in the trees!"

So sweet.  I explained that the trees had flowers on them and that the flowers were going to turn into fruit.  I sincerely hope that idea was just as miraculous to him as popcorn in the trees - because the way God created things is pretty amazing - even if we do take it forgranted.  A couple of years ago my friend Jordan bought a book for the kids called "Watching".  It is a wonderful story.  Read it if you get the chance.

We're trying to get outside as much as we can these days - with the warm air and the trees just pushing out their leaves again  - and before the bugs.

Enjoy the Sunshine!

1 comment:

Allison said...

Hooray for popcorn in trees and for the way our God makes all things new :) Love you!