Saturday, December 4, 2010

The Pebble...

I always knit with the best of intentions.  I always intend to follow the pattern as it is written and fix mistakes as I go.  It seems, though, that there is a point of no return, where I am not going to go back and fix a mistake - I'm going to press on and finish the project.  And hence, we have The Pebble.  This sweater vest pattern was written for a 6-12 month old baby.  I wanted to knit it for Isaiah for Christmas so I made my first attempt at "upsizing".  I bought Lion Brand's Thick and Quick and 10mm circular needles and went for it.  I just knit the pattern as it was written, made almost no mistakes and got this:

A sweater vest that fit me. sort of.  It was certainly far too huge for Isaiah, and I knew this as I was knitting it.  I knew it was way bigger around than he needed - but by the time I got far enough to see this, I was past the point of no return.  So then I had this:

Because honestly, I wasn't going to wear this manly little vest.  It was a bit too short and shapless and bulky and although perfect for my 3-year-old - not at all becoming on me.

So now I have this, a baby cocoon for a soon-to-be-here boy and lots of green potential for those days when the white of winter seems to go on forever and I'm longing for Spring.

1 comment:

Diana said...

Hilarious! Maybe if we combined we would get something in the middle. You're so cute and hilarious. I like the baby cocoon, I had intended to make one for Micah but didn't get it done before he came...although he was so big it probably wouldn't have fit anyway! Who's the little boy on the way? Miss you!