Saturday, March 17, 2007

A Delightful Weekend!

Yesterday and today I was able to do some of the things I most like to do with my spare time - and Keith helped make it possible. You see, ever since I started to work 5 days a week, I've lost my housework, grocery shopping, meal planning day.  This has unfortunate consequences on the rest of the weekend.  Typically on Fridays I would get all of the chores out of the way so that Saturday I could sleep in a bit, get up, do some baking or plan my Sunday school lesson and know that if company dropped in I wouldn't be ashamed of our dirty, untidy house or our empty fridge.  And then with the pregnancy - the energy level went through the floor for a while and getting the chores done was a task enough for the whole weekend.

But then there's my husband.  Every so often he'll surprise me with some unexpected act of kindness.  A few weeks ago I came home from work and was hurriedly ushered into our bedroom to take a nap while he finished up what he was doing in the kitchen without me spying. In those few moments between the front door and the bedroom I noticed that the house looked remarkably tidy, the grocery list on the fridge had disappeared and whatever he was doing in the kitchen smelled heavenly! 

And then on Thursday - I came home once again to a tidy apartment with no dishes in sight.  It was his tidying on Thursday that helped make this weekend so enjoyable.  Without that extra burden of cleaning - after I finished work yesterday I baked four loaves of bread. Keith loves homemade bread - and it's been months since I've had the chance to make it.  I also had my friend Diana over for tea and knitting and Wallace & Gromit last night without feeling like I had to spend time making the house presentable. 

Because of Keith's Thursday tidy-up - I had the housework done and my Sunday school lesson planned in less than two hours this morning - and had the afternoon to bake cookies, go for a walk, finish up the laundry and just relax in general. It has been a fantastic day. I'm so thankful for a husband who loves doing nice things for his wife!


1 comment:

Ernest Dow said...

You da man, Keith!
(and it takes a special wife to notice & express such glowing appreciation)