Joining Ginny over at Small Things with Yarn Along. This week I have finished up Isaiah's Christmas socks. I'm just so proud that I finished a pair of socks on (actually ahead) of schedule. Colin's socks from last Christmas still look like this... Ah well, maybe I'll get them done for next Christmas. Or never. :) I'm reading Paddle to the Sea with Isaiah for his "school" right now. Great descriptive language.
Also on the needles is my Tea Leaves cardigan (which I love) and hope those little poorly knit stitches in the body block out. A Tiny Tea Leaves cardigan for my tiny Lulu (which I also love) is also in the works. I'm almost done the second thrummed mitten as well. Good progress on the knitted items in the last little while. Rainy days spent indoors with sicky kids seem to allow for more time to knit. There's that silver lining.