Thursday, June 17, 2010

Almost Vacation!

"Three more sleeps until Nana and Papa come."  I told Isaiah yesterday.  For the past few days "Nana, Papa" have been some of the first words out of his mouth each morning.  Our home goes from being a hive of packing and cleaning activity to being quite serene.  Lately, I've been trying to crank out a bunch or projects for my family.  Because my family lives so far away, I usually just hang on to birthday gifts until I see them next.  This trip is no exception.  I believe I am bringing 6 birthday gifts.  Since I haven't given these gifts yet, I can't post pictures of them all here - but I think I can safely show you some of Isaiah's 3rd birthday gifts :)  In addition to these mommy-made gifts - we bought him some rainbow blocks from Nova Natural Toys and Gifts.  This is a wet-felted wool ball with a bell inside.

The idea for the travel pouch I got from this pattern for a gratitude wrap from Soulemama.  I just made some modifications to the pockets.

These knitted pants were very near completion when I decided I wasn't going to like them as much as I wanted to.  Then I saw this sweater Soulemama just completed for her little guy and started to frog the pants.  This is the second time I've ripped out a nearly completed garment of this yarn.  3rd time is the charm, I hope.  I don't know if I'll get it done in time for his July 1st birthday.  Sometimes vacation means lots of knitting time and sometimes none at all - it seems to make my board games strategies suffer.


Mommy Emily said...

you are so, so, so gifted darcie. wow. i'm blown away...

Diana said...

I love that travel pouch, looks like it's full of alot of fun stuff! Missing you lots Darcie, can't wait to see the rest of your creative gifts!