After months of planning, watching A History of Britain documentaries, and pouring over travel guides, we are on our way...well almost. Keith, Isaiah (our 10-month old) and I will be heading over to Great Britain for a 3 week trip of a lifetime :) The last few days have been spent printing off maps, cleaning, and packing but we're almost ready.
How did this trip come about, you may be asking yourself? Well, Nearly 2 years ago now, Keith's Granddad decided he wanted to help us out with a trip to England as our wedding gift. We were expecting to take the trip the following summer but 3 months later I found out it wasn't the only thing we were expecting :) We had no idea when we'd be able to take the trip with Keith in school and me home with a newborn, but with the generosity of Keith's family and the blessing of income tax returns we were able to plan for this Spring!
Please pray for us as we travel - especially as we try to get out of Heathrow airport in our rental car. Isaiah as flown with me before and did extremely well so hopefully that will continue. We thought some of you may be interested in our daily itinerary so I will post it for you. I will be trying to update the blog most days with the details of our travels and maybe even post a few pictures for you too!
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