Wednesday, January 10, 2007

thwub thwub thwub

today darcie and i went to an obstetrician appointment together. she had been to one like it before, but it was a first for me. when she went they had the ultrasound done, which would've been pretty cool to see, but this time we got to listen to the baby's heartbeat. "thwub thwub thwub thwub thwub..." it was loud and really fast, like this little heart is going to work as hard as it can so that the baby can get out as quickly as possible to see the world.
the ladies at the office were all wonderful and they liked us a lot. i guess it's quite a rarity to run into a couple where the wife has only ever had sex with one man. they didn't ask me about my history, but i would've been proud to tell them. it makes us feel like we've done our part to ensure we'll have a healthy baby. like in the Old Testament, when you follow God's order "all will go well with you." i did a Bible study last night and i talked about that a bit, along with Josiah and revolution. i'd tell you more but, really, you should've been there. everyone was really encouraging after the study.
next time we go to an appointment i'm going to try to bring a voice recorder so that we can post an mp3 file of our baby's heartbeat for you to listen to. it might not strike you as much as me, but i think we can all marvel at the gift of life God has begun.
thoughts from a proud soon-to-be-dad,

1 comment:

Lindsey said...

I too just went to the OBGYN. I am sure you are just dying to know. haha.
They always seem to be shocked with my response to the question on the list about sex partners. I proudly say, "one; my husband." And then I love saying "no thanks" when they offer for me to get tested for STDs.
Sometimes in the waiting room all I so is pray for the young girls who are in there. It sounds like I've been a lot. haha. It's as if they are awaiting their death wish. are they pregnant? do they have herpes? Some have stone cold looks on their face. Uncertainty. An alone look.
I thank God that I have Him and that I have a husband that is faithful to not only me but to our God.
No babies on the way for us... although it seems like we need to jump on the band-wagon soon. Basically everyone who was married after us are having babies!! God's time though. God's time.