Friday, September 30, 2011

~ this moment ~


Joining Soulemama and her readers in "This Moment." A moment from the week I want to pause, savour, and remember. If you're inspired to do the same, leave a link to your "moment" in the comments section for others to find and enjoy.

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Elving in September...


I don't know about you, but for me, the start of September not only means county fairs and corn on the cob but it also means the start of picking and choosing the handmade Christmas presents for the fast approaching December.  The turn in the weather inspires me to pick up the knitting again.  I find myself going through the December archives of the blogs I love to see the crafts and gifts of years past.  I get a bit delusional when I actually start to plan my own Christmas projects.  I usually end up overhauling my "to do" list a couple of weeks before Christmas.  This year we will be moving into our new house at the very end of November which is going to make finishing handmades a bit interesting.  I have some great projects lined up and some almost finished already.  I hope to share some of the process and the finished projects here as I go. I have to be a good girl and plan and actually execute these projects well in advance if I have any hope of finishing them all before our first Christmas together as a family in our very own house.

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Bit of Summer, Bit of Fall

Labour Day weekend was a lovely blending of summer and fall activities.  Saturday was sunny and hot and we headed over to Saunder's Farm in Munster, ON.  It is a farm with everything from miniature houses for little people to giant "jumping pillows" for the big kid in us all.  The day was so hot but we managed to accomplish what we set out to do: have a fun day with the kids, have a picnic, get a bit wet and stay outside as much as possible.

Sunday it rained and we had a quieter day with a cleaner set of rooms by the close of it.  Monday was a perfect fall day - overcast, cool and perfect for the orchard.  It is wonderful to see those rosie apples waiting to be plucked.  The Cannamore Orchard was a bit of a drive so we were happy to see they had a wagon ride and other family activities to make a day out of it for the kids.  I picked apples, Keith took pictures and the kids, well...despite a few admonitions of "Don't pick the green ones!" and "Out of the flowers!!!", they basically did what they pleased and loved every minute of it.