I'm not sure we've ever had a busier month than we have this August. We moved out of our apartment at the end of July and then spent a week with our churchmates at Camp Lutherlyn. We had such a great time with new friends and perhaps enjoyed it all the more since we knew it was likely the calm before the storm.

We arrived back in Ottawa to find that although our belongings were at Matthew House, the house itself was not quite ready for us to move in and we were still waiting for the occupancy permit to come through. This left us homeless for the next five nights but afforded us the opportunity to catch a glimpse of what it may be like for the refugee claimants we will soon meet. Fortunately, we had more than enough offers of accomodation to see us through!

We were in Matthew House for two nights before Keith's sister and future brother-in-law came to visit, as well as an old family friend. Then, sadly, we had to leave to attend the funeral for Keith's grandma back in Mitchell. Since we have been back, there has been plenty if unpacking, cleaning, painting (oh so much painting), and settling in. Of course, since we're hopefully within a month of opening, there have also been meetings and emails and lists and events!

However, in the midst of all of this, I have still managed to make Lucy a blanket, make some construction paper bugs with Isaiah and spend some time at the park, library, early years centre, and Valleyview Small Animal Farm. I've even made a bit of progress on the two sweaters I'm knitting.
I'm hopeful that over the next two weeks the kids will adjust to a new routine, Isaiah will regain the ground he's lost with potty-training, and we'll be able to do more of this.