I've compared abortion to the holocaust before, but now I honestly don't think that goes far enough. Obviously we can't overstate the tragedy of that period of human history - one of the darkest and most unthinkable evils man could ever step into, but the Jewish people had lived, loved, and been loved, and had experienced the full range of what it means to be 'human.' They were able to cry out when they were murdered at the injustice of the tragedy. Unborn children can't do that. Their future is ripped from them even before they have a chance to know the love of a mother or a father, to love another or experience the joy of having a best friend. Thankfully, though, at this moment such crimes are as removed from me as the holocaust. While I can picture dimly the evil, I really can't imagine it actually happening. I'm too busy being excited about being a father.
When I saw the first ultrasound photos it was still pretty unreal. There was a big circle and a little circle. Apparently the big circle was the head. Now the little circle is trying to catch up with the big circle. Not only does our kid have a big head, but the ultrasound lady said "looks like baby's been snacking well!" She also said that our wee one is "a mover and a shaker." She was having a hard time getting good pictures because our baby was swimming all over the place. The ultrasound lady said that baby was using Darcie's bladder like a trampoline. No wonder she felt like going to the bathroom so much that morning. It's bad enough that they make you drink four glasses of water before having an ultrasound, without having a little person jumping up and down on your bladder! I also think our child might be a boxer, because those little fists were working in and out, taking mini-jabs at the walls his or her little room (which happened to be mommy's tummy).
One of the moments that struck me the most, though, was when, for only a couple of seconds, a tiny footprint was outlined on the video monitor. It was exactly like your or my footprint, only tiny. Perhaps baby was doing laps and was just pushing off from the wall, but for a moment I saw the cutest little foot I had ever seen. Only I and the ultrasound lady saw it. It was as though junior was saying "look me go, daddy!"
For now I can't see baby. There's not even much that Darcie and I can do to help our young one grow. Our child is in the hands of God, and we know that He is knitting our young one together in the womb, as the psalmist describes it in Psalm 139. Our Father sees our little one's unformed body, and I am coming to see how 'fearfully and wonderfully made' each one of us is. I'm glad that I'm not responsible for this part of it - our Father has worked this miracle many times before, and knows exactly what He is doing. I know, too, that each time he adds something special to create a unique little person to bring Him glory, like a magnificent piece of artwork bearing its creator's name, only this art goes beyond canvas into a magical new life beyond anything we can imagine.

I couldn't be more blessed.